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About us

What we do

Principles and values

Mission and vision

We promote technological innovation in the products and services we offer

Integrity and professionalism are the principle virtues by which we wish to characterise ourselves, and we know that through these virtues, we will retain our clients’ trust and loyalty.

20140212_122028We are committed to transparency and on-going respect, both for others and for the natural environment in which we work.

We want to incorporate work practices which ensure the sustainability of our forests and the preservation of their natural assets, whilst simultaneously improving living conditions for those residing in rural areas.

We strive to continuously improve our work, and we believe in progressing our company within the realms of responsible and committed behaviour, both in terms of health and safety, as well as fair and just rewards for all who do business with us.

We are highly concerned with quality. We always strive to improve, and adopt a humble and open attitude to lifelong learning, so we can offer the best to those who trust in us.

Nowadays, in a globalised and competitive market, only companies with the greatest capacity to adapt toconstant change can survive, by launching new and improved products and services into the market. This strength enables us to stand out from the competition, resulting in greater confidence and added value for our customers and suppliers.

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Novalis Consultoría y Comercio, S.L ha recibido una ayuda de la Unión Europea con cargo al Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional para “Actuaciones o proyectos de producción o logística de biomasa”, dentro del Programa para el desarrollo energético sostenible de Andalucía en el período 2017-2020, que tiene por objetivo conseguir una economía más limpia y sostenible.”