Our ethical commitment is to the common good; we continually aim for preservation and to respect the people and companies with whom we work.
NOVALIS’ products are based on a marketing policy of responsible sales. In this respect, we are proud to implement the European Union Timber Regulation Due Diligence System (European Timber Regulation, EUTR 995/2010), ensuring the legality of all our forestry operations.
First and foremost, we work with people. Trust, respect, integrity, commitment and support within working relationships is our fundamental raison d’être.
This is reflected in the principles and values set out in our Code of Conduct and in the regulations of the Novalis Group, to which Novalis fully adheres.
In order to create a genuine culture of compliance within the company, Novalis provides its employees and business partners with the communication channel available to the parent company of the corporate group, which can be accessed via the following link: https://www.garciamunte.com/corporate-compliance/.
The main purpose of all this is to prevent and detect any unlawful behaviour or behaviour contrary to our ethical principles. Any communication sent will be treated with absolute confidentiality and impartiality.
Novalis Consultoría y Comercio, S.L ha recibido una ayuda de la Unión Europea con cargo al Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional para “Actuaciones o proyectos de producción o logística de biomasa”, dentro del Programa para el desarrollo energético sostenible de Andalucía en el período 2017-2020, que tiene por objetivo conseguir una economía más limpia y sostenible.”