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We apply fair and equitable practices in our relationships with suppliers and customers, rooted in the preservation of universally recognised ethical principles and the transparency of our actions.

We strive to respect the legal interests of all those with whom we work.

We comply with current legislation at all times.

Our work makes use of all the latest advances and available expertise in forest resource management.

We establish lasting, friendly relationships with numerous partners. We support local development by recruiting skilled staff and using local materials, which are closely linked to the regions in which we work.

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Novalis Consultoría y Comercio, S.L ha recibido una ayuda de la Unión Europea con cargo al Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional para “Actuaciones o proyectos de producción o logística de biomasa”, dentro del Programa para el desarrollo energético sostenible de Andalucía en el período 2017-2020, que tiene por objetivo conseguir una economía más limpia y sostenible.”