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 The growth of emerging countries and the development of renewable energy increases demand for raw forestry materials

In an area as sensitive to public opinion as the forestry sector, access to professional and specialised support is a necessity.

DSCN0368NOVALIS offers both the experience and knowledge needed to provide comprehensive advice regarding activities and projects in the natural environment.

We specialisein providing consultancy services for:

  • Development and implementation of forest investment strategies.
  • Terrain analysis, combining GIS and remote sensing technologies to develop everything from support maps to forest inventories, as well as other natural environment studies.
  • Wood and biomass sourcing and supply plansfor industries.
  • Local and regional forest resource inventories.
  • Comprehensive forest industry supply chain logistics.
  • Sea shippingof forest products.
  • Operational design and optimisation of forestry work.
  • Appraisal and evaluation services of forest assets.
  • Market research and business strategies.

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Novalis Consultoría y Comercio, S.L ha recibido una ayuda de la Unión Europea con cargo al Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional para “Actuaciones o proyectos de producción o logística de biomasa”, dentro del Programa para el desarrollo energético sostenible de Andalucía en el período 2017-2020, que tiene por objetivo conseguir una economía más limpia y sostenible.”