The Parliament wants to boost energy efficiency, with a binding target to reduce consumption by 35% in 2030, and increase the share of renewables to 35% of the total.
The plenary supported on Wednesday the proposal of the parliamentary committee of Industry to establish binding targets for the EU as a whole to boost efficiency and renewable energies. In this area, in addition to a global share of 35%, MEPs ask that 12% of the energy used by the transport sector in 2030 come from renewable sources.
Novalis Consultoría y Comercio, S.L ha recibido una ayuda de la Unión Europea con cargo al Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional para “Actuaciones o proyectos de producción o logística de biomasa”, dentro del Programa para el desarrollo energético sostenible de Andalucía en el período 2017-2020, que tiene por objetivo conseguir una economía más limpia y sostenible.”